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Speed  Boat Tours


Highlights from our offer

Sip travel is pleased to announce to have been admitted into the EU-funded SUSTOUR project that supports over 600 small and medium-sized tour operators and travel agents from 35 European countries in improving their sustainability performance.  Sustainability is a core value of the tourism experiences that we want to provide for our customers. Therefore, we are happy to participate in this one-year support programme running from mid 2022 to mid 2023 and we commit to using this opportunity and actively improving our sustainability management and performance.

Privacy and protection of our customers are important to us. Sensitive information is stored electronically in AMADEUS system and the  within our database, which is secured and only accessible by accredited staff who follow strictly privacy procedures. If any documents containing personal data are printed for internal purposes, they are kept in a filing system in our office that is only accessible by our most trusted employees. If documents are no longer applicable, they are shredded before disposal.

– Any personal data is only collected if relevant and necessary for us to provide the requested services .
– All personal data is kept for maximum 1 year.
– Our customers are informed on how we store data and where. They always have the option to be deleted from our database.
– We are committed to protecting the privacy of all of our guests and users, and we would like to reassure you that all of the information you provide us with is kept strictly private and confidential.


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